Princesa Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck, do Butão, se casa com piloto

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Por Michel Telles

Princesa Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck, do Butão, se casa com piloto

Foto: Instagram

Na última quinta-feira, a princesa Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck, meia-irmã do rei Jigme Khesar, casou-se com o piloto Dasho Thinlay Norbu, no palácio Dechencholing, em Timbu, capital do país asiático. Os pombinhos receberam as bênçãos de Quarto Druk Gyalpo, pai da noiva, do líder religioso Je Khenpo e do rei. Ele anunciou as núpcias em seu perfil do Instagram. Confira: 


29th October 2020 Her Royal Highness Princess Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck married Dasho Thinlay Norbu in a Royal Wedding ceremony today. The Royal Wedding was held at Dechencholing Palace in Thimphu. The Royal Couple received the blessings of His Majesty The King, His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and His Holiness the Je Khenpo. Her Royal Highness Princess Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuck was born in 1993 to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck. Her Royal Highness graduated with a major in Sociology from Georgetown University in the United States in 2016. As President of the Bhutan Paralympic Committee, Her Royal Highness represents Bhutan internationally to take forward the participation of Bhutanese athletes with disabilities in various global sporting events. Dasho Thinlay Norbu was born to Yab Dhondup Gyaltshen and Yum Sonam Choki in 1992, and is the younger brother of Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen. After graduating from St. Stephen’s college in Delhi University, Dasho trained as a pilot and has been flying for the National Airline Drukair since 2019. The Royal Couple are both active DeSuups. #RoyalWedding #Princess #Bhutan

Uma publicação compartilhada por His Majesty King Jigme Khesar (@kingjigmekhesar) em


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